Contact Lyzbeth Roman at lyzbeth@holyfamilyclemmons.com
The Hispanic Ministry promotes the contribution of the Hispanic community in our parish. We support the Hispanic families who are in need of receiving any help, assistance, or information in Spanish. Through evangelization and education, the Hispanic Ministry is committed to building a faith community that is authentically Hispanic and Catholic.
Spanish Mass: every Saturday 7:00 pm
Cafecito: social after Mass, last Saturday of the month
Prayer of the Rosary: every Wednesday 6:00 pm in the Main Church
Hispanic Ministry Liturgy meeting: second Monday of the month 7:00 pm
Baptism prep class: second Thursday of the month 6:30 pm Room A (Registration required, please call Lyzbeth Román (336) 778-0600 ext. 254)
Weddings or Quinceañeros: call (336) 778-0600 ext. 254