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Inter-Generational Faith Formation

Inter-Generational Faith Formation is a catechetical session for every member of the parish.

Whether you are single, a family with children, or empty-nesters, this program is designed for all members of any size household to participate in the learning experience.

Sessions are held once a month on Sundays from 1:30-4:30pm. These sessions provide the participants with a meal, an opportunity for fellowship, age-appropriate learning, and prayer. At the end of each session, each household is given a take-home packet that will help to further the faith development at home.

The Inter-Generational sessions, along with the take-home kits, will take the place of the traditional Faith Formation classes. If any child or youth is also in a sacramental preparation year, they will still need to attend an additional class for the immediate preparation of the sacrament.

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